The Shimmertree

Experience the Shimmertree yourself. Read Two Trees or Armed with Power, young adult novels by Robyn Oakes.

Shimmertree branch

Laurelin shivered and rubbed the sudden goosebumps on her arms. In the center of the canyon stood a low, grassy hill with one tree flourishing on the top. The only tree in the canyon. Something about that tree drew her toward it. At first she thought it might be a trick of the light, with the sun blazing down on its lush, green leaves, but she blinked several times and decided it couldn’t just be the sun. The tree really did shimmer.

The tree pulled her forward. She had to touch those shimmering green leaves. As she stepped closer to the hill, Laurelin could see white fruit hanging in clusters between the leaves. The fruit smelled heavenly. Her mouth watering, Laurelin began to climb.

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